Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Question 1a) Notes for Brief

Digital Technology:

Cameras (digital and DV), internet, microphones

Computer software, hardware and websites - Movie maker, Dope premier, mobile phones, laptops, internet,  online blogs, youtube, slideshare, google, msn, facebook, photoshop, excel, publisher.

Discuss how these different types of technologies have helped you acheieve what you have within your work. How have they aided your success etc?

Talk about areas you really have delivered your skills - further elaboration

Pros and Cons about software and hardware within your skill development

What decisions and restrictions were given to you by the exam board? What were you allowed to choose and develop yourself?

Were you more confident about creating your A2 product - evaluate it.

Ancillary tasks - what skills did you use to create these

Comparison between your AS and A2 skills

Talk about creativity, how did you produce things - did what you produce reflect yourself or your ideas?

Was your product influenced by your social surroundings?

Was your narrative/ camera angles original?

Have you taken your skills and applied them to any other subjects?

Have you used primary and secondary research (did it cost anything)?

Accessability of research - internet, books etc

Was it time consuming?

Were your sources reliable - were they accurate?

How did you organise your research and planning e.g blogs, folders etc?

What did you actually research and how did it affect your planning and product?

How did drafting affect affect you - did your knowledge of drafting help improve your work?

How did audience feedback affect your planning and redrafting - was it helpful?

How organised were you?

Talk about group work - leader or follower - how did it compare to AS?

How did your research impact your planning and production - the more research and organisation there was - the easier everything was?

Post production - sound, transitions, narrative structure, sound affects, music, photoshop (how did you get everything to reflect the same genre within ancillary tasks and the film)?

Using conventions from real media texts? Horror, Blaire Witch Project A2 - Twilight for AS, magazine ancillary - made to look like a real magazine etc

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